" Life is an adventure! "

Bon Kyung Ku (Steve)

  • # Year-2 CSE MPhil Student
  • # Data Visualization
  • # Active Learner
  • # Korean
  • # Music Lover
  • # Saturday Footballer

Welcome !

My name is Bon Kyung Ku (Steve)

I am currently a Year-2 MPhil CSE Student in Hong Kong University of Science (HKUST) and Technology supervised by Prof. Huamin Qu.

My research interest is in Data Visualization, specifically in Urban Data and Financial Data.

I was born in South Korea but I spent my young days in Malaysia. Then I moved to Hong Kong for undergraduate studies in HKUST. After graduation, I planned to pursue further studies in HKUST and I am here now :)

What's New?

22nd Nov 2019.
Pulse Of HKUST glorious in APICTA 2019
I am glad to announce that our team Pulse of HKUST makes incredible achievement by winning Merit Awards (Research & Development) in Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) Award 2019 ! Tough time preparing but it paid off :)
30th Apr 2019.
Pulse Of HKUST shines Gold in HKICT 2019
Our team received Gold Award in Student Innovation the Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) Award 2019. For the glory !
31th Mar 2019.
Behind Story of Pulse Of HKUST
South China Morning Post covered our story on how we started our project: Pulse Of HKUST. Check it out :)
19th Feb 2019.
Pulse Of HKUST was nominated as one of the SSC Project
Pulse of HKUST project was officially selected as HKUST Sustainable Smart Campus (SSC) Project. We will continue our efforts in promoting smart campus community :)


Football has always been a part of my life. I was 7 years old when my father first taught me how to kick the ball. From then, football became my favourite hobby and I also played for school teams and participated in competitions.

Football means much more than just a leisure activity for me. It has delivered meaningful life lessons and valuable friendships to my life. Most importantly, football helped in developing my life values: Effort, Teamwork, Communication.

My football idol is Ronaldinho Gaucho. And currently I am supporting Tottenham Spurs. COYS!


I love music. Discover what's trending in my library!